During the building stages of this website I really felt like a ‘website composer’. Sometimes like a ‘website director’. I bet that if Julia would have let me, I’d try to ‘perform’ the website too! – she is the website producer , the fantastic web designer responsible for all this, to whom I’ll always be in debt. I’ve learned in this process that this is also a collaborative art. Therefore, I present below the people who lent us a hand, brought us their knowledge and shared with us their artistry throughout the way. My sincere appreciation goes to them all!
web design and programming – Julia Dranger
website photos (Felipe Senna) – Beatriz Weingrill
consultant web developer – Luã de Souza
editor (text) – Cibele Codonho
copywriting – Felipe Senna
revision – Jon ‘Epic’ Bourne
Na Corda Bamba Duo photos – Richard Volante and Adrien Clidière

The artists responsible for the content presented in these pages are credited per work.